Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hello there. We've had a over a weeklong rain delay for our wheat planting. We mulch treaded and packed the Lapel place on Saturday, so we'll be off to the races with drilling there at tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock sharp. A special thanks goes out to Rodney Wheritt for spaying the volunteer wheat with roundup so we can try to get a perfect stand. We'll plant Doans variety that came from Joe Peeper up near Enid. This is a fairly new variety for wheat country as it was only introduced to growers in 2007 and this is the first year for it to be used by farmers other than seed growers.

Yesterday, we bot a new camera to replace the one that got dropped one too many times. Jenn is working out the kinks as I write this.

To encourage your responses, I have a special prize for the person who guesses closest to the correct number of grains of wheat per pound of the Doans Certified wheat seed I mentioned.


Loretta Wingard said...

It doesn't look as if anybody posted the amount of wheat in a pound and then again maybe I am way behind- But my guess is 1,895!!!

Rick and Jenn Payne said...


Wow.....sorry, didn't see your comment til this afternoon! Besides my mom (and she just told me her guess) you were the only ones to venture a number. Her guess was 1,250. Yours was 1,895. This might come as a surprise, but the actual # is 13,723. That's right, for our Doans seed there is actually 13,723 wheat seeds per pound or almost 1,000,000 seeds per bushel. Wow! Isn't our God a wonderful creator. Your prize is being delivered. Post when you receive it!