Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dry weather on the wheat farm

Hello everyone. Hope this post finds all you doing good. Yesterday, we took a family trip to Woodward, OK to my nephew's birthday party. He's six now and we spent the afternoon at the bowling alley. Kids had a blast. Below is a pic of something.....take a closer look and maybe you can tell what Parker actually took a picture of.

We always observe the crops growing as we drive and boy is it getting dry. The wheat from Thomas to Woodward progressively looked more dry as we drive northwest. Perhaps we should be praying for moisture in what ever form it comes - even ice.
Below: Here's a pic of what's happening with the wheat:

Not much is going on as you can see, but we're hopeful for moisture and the warmer winds of later February and March.
Next up for farm activities is putting down the final application of "N". We'll topdress (like putting the frosting on the cake) with Nitrogen the middle part of February before the big spring green up.
Below: Here's a picture of our trusty Mack Truck waiting on the first load of Nitrogen produced at Enid, OK to arrive.

We'll put down the nitrogen with a big Terragator that spreads the nitrogen across each field.
Below: Here's a picture of the Terragator:

Below: Here's a closeup of the nozzles that do the work.

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